CBS News: Prostate Cancer Vaccine Approved

Provenge Gets FDA Approval

The first therapeutic cancer vaccine, Provenge, has been approved in the U.S. by the FDA. As Dr. Sanjay Gupta tells us, although expensive, it could help those with advanced prostate cancer.

More on surviving prostate cancer....

My Unfaithful Cheating Husband!

I have suspected my husband of being unfaithful for quite a while now and I finally got the confirmation that he is definitely cheating on me.I am devastated I would like to teach he and his mistress a lesson. Does anyone out there know of any products on the market that will... The next time he tries to get with his mistress, I'd like for him to have a big surprise.
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Pretty in pink

What's up with the frou-frou new urinal cakes?

Seems like they'd be better suited for the urinals in the ladies room, don't you think?

It's actually a bit distracting to go on something so beautiful. It's like peeing on the sunset. It doesn't feel right.

Can we just go back to good old-fashioned, manly BLUE cake?