Testosterone And Cardiovascular Risk!

Testosterone doctorAs awareness of low testosterone grows, more and more men are asking their doctors about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). However, doctors still worry about the ongoing safety debate surrounding the effects of testosterone administration on cardiovascular health.

A new study published this month in the Journal of Sexual Medicine further demonstrates the safety of TRT. The findings suggest that the use of testosterone in middle-aged to elderly men does not increase cardiovascular risk nor does it unfavorably affect men’s cardiovascular risk profile.(1) This safety update is important for the 38.7 percent of men over the age of 45 who may be suffering from low testosterone.(2)
Contribution by Kathleen Barry  202-835-9415 Kathleen.Barry@Ketchum.com Auxilium.com
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The CDC reports that more than 16 percent of the U.S. population has genital herpes. A 2008 study found that one in four teenage girls has an STD. And about 2.8 million Chlamydia infections hit Americans each year.

Part of the reason those numbers are so high may be that people are still uncomfortable with STD testing.

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